The queen must walk :)
Where is cinderella?
A shoe on display at a shop on gerrard street - toronto's indian bazaar.
I actually managed to take my mom out for canada day, although she stayed in the car. Sis and I walked through the park near ashbridges bay, sat down in the heavily windy hill slope grass, and enjoyed the show for a while. We were sorrounded by people from all places.. from bearded muslim men in full pakistani selwars and turbans, to asians with puppies and groups of beach-area residents who might as well be in california :)Upon returning to the car, my mother mentioned how the car beside ours had a full group of muslim girls in hijabs.. and that she was surprised that muslims would 'come out' to see 'fireworks'.. to which i replied 'just because you want to stay at home doesn't mean the rest of the world can't enjoy life' :) And then we went to gerrard street and got some food. They renovated chandni chowk! I also took other pictures. Some of the dresses were too pretty. Everytime I see some pretty girly dress the first thought that checks into head is 'must get married' -- irony, really. :D See flickr site for details :)
And that's why I love canada. It's full of people that love canada! Diversity.
At 7:12 PM,
Asmaa said…
Gerrard Street is frightening.
But excellent picture nonetheless :)
At 3:35 AM,
elysium said…
i can totally understand gerrard being frightening, but i've gotten over my fears. i avoided that place for almost 6-7 years completely :)
At 7:10 PM,
Squeeky said…
Assalaamu Alaikum :D
oooh pretty! well done, masha'Allah
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