elysium exposed

Tuesday, August 30, 2005

set out the window

set out the window, originally uploaded by Elysium Exposed.

Sunsets are always gorgeous. Except the days where smog makes it difficult to take in the scene. This was yesterday.... summer's going away soon. enjoy while you can :)

Sunday, August 21, 2005

Sappy Ant

Sappy Ant, originally uploaded by Elysium Exposed.

ant macro on sap. this was just too gorgeous to not take a picture of :)

hope everyone had an awesome weekend.

Friday, August 19, 2005

Triplets at peace

Triplets at peace, originally uploaded by Elysium Exposed.

Sunday, August 14, 2005

The City in Stillwater

The City in Stillwater, originally uploaded by Elysium Exposed.

Around 3 am last night at ashbridgest bay - after food at lahore tikka house on gerrard, I went for a walk with a friend..
Somehow we got to talking about jinns.
And then heard a baby cry from a tree top. It was WAY not cool. We were both bothered enough not to go back to the tree for a second look. It was an interesting night over all. We spent the entire night talking, at the restaurant, in the car, at the beach, in the car again, and I didn't get home till after praying fajr. I haven't had these nights in the recent past but it was thoroughly enjoyable.

Sunday, August 07, 2005

RAPL. - Redundant Array of Paan Leaves

This is what you call Grandmothers Dream Come True!