elysium exposed

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Out to get you

Out to get you, originally uploaded by Elysium Exposed.

A constant reminder of how many moments you've already lost of your life -- a clock on a busy bay street wall in toronto.

Public service, really -- that means, run, run, run, you're late for work, you're late for that appointment, if you don't get there in time.. you're not going to be successful.

But what does it matter?
Every moment, is a moment closer to death.
Is that not the ultimate success? the only surity in life?


  • At 10:03 AM, Blogger Squeeky said…

    Assalaamu Alaikum :D

    Hmm, that's true. I don't understand why everything must be so rushed. Every moment should be savoured becuz we're not here for too long.

    I like taking my time :)

  • At 6:05 AM, Blogger elysium said…

    Walaikum Salaam!

    I like taking my time too ..
    People find it wierd, but I'd rather stand at a spot and take it all in, breathe for a bit, observe, enrich myself -- rather than just rush rush rush :)

    Life's no good without enjoying the moments!

  • At 5:30 AM, Blogger Maria I said…

    Sure is a surity that death is, but not an ultimate success for all.


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