elysium exposed

Sunday, September 25, 2005

Upside down you're hanging me.

This picture is dedicated to squeeky and her recent run-in with the little creatures. The first house I had lived in after moving to canada, we had squirrels in the attics that would scare me until I realized it was just their home. One day I got enough courage to crawl up the stairs on the side of my closet, and peak into the attic. It was rather creepy, but very serene. It almost felt like an untouched and forgotten part of the 95 year old house. I don't miss the wierd noises at night though, it can get rather irritant when you're young and trying to sleep, alone, in a new country, in a house with long corridors and parents are quite a walk away. Add the fact that my room was the only room with an access to the attic via my closet, it creeped me out plenty of times that something up there was coming down. In someways, me peeking into that world actually made me feel safer, atleast knowing what was there ( as creepy as it may be ) allowed me to realized it was no longer just an unknown imaginary spot above me.

About the picture itself -- This squirrel was noticed rather alert as I approached it, it stopped in that position and I took about 8 shots at various distances, and edged close to it. It held still. Must have put a lot of strain on it's muscles.

I'm still looking for a perfect bouncing ball shot. :)

Thursday, September 15, 2005

Special restroom flora

Special restroom flora, originally uploaded by Elysium Exposed.

These flowers were placed in the theatre's washrooms because of the Toronto International Film Festival. I never realized people needed to be pompus even in the washrooms. But I guess they want to please the high-class-guests that show up. Unfortunately my focus went on the wall rather than the flowers, but I had to share the sentiments regardless.

It's also uneasy taking pictures with people who happen to be there for privacy.. I got odd looks taking the camera out in a public washroom. But being a hobbyist, I'm getting used to odd looks. Getting security to escort me out would have been worse :)

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Bugs away.

Bugs away., originally uploaded by Elysium Exposed.

From a cottage trip to muskoka in 2001. I miss that evening, the serenity of nature.