Friday, July 29, 2005
Sunday, July 17, 2005
Muslimday at Wonderland
Sheikh Sayyid Muhammed al-Ninowy from Atlanta, speaks at the muslimday event on pleasing the creator to please the creation, which eventually pleases the creator even more.
Further info at
The rest of the pictures taken at Paramount Canada's Wonderland Muslimday festivities are here
Sunday, July 10, 2005
Ahhh bright colors.
Art by Paulus Tjiang and Monica Johnston, as witnesssed at the art show happening at nathan phillips square this weekend in toronto. you may reach the artist at
Friday, July 08, 2005
Saturday, July 02, 2005
The queen must walk :)
Where is cinderella?
A shoe on display at a shop on gerrard street - toronto's indian bazaar.
I actually managed to take my mom out for canada day, although she stayed in the car. Sis and I walked through the park near ashbridges bay, sat down in the heavily windy hill slope grass, and enjoyed the show for a while. We were sorrounded by people from all places.. from bearded muslim men in full pakistani selwars and turbans, to asians with puppies and groups of beach-area residents who might as well be in california :)Upon returning to the car, my mother mentioned how the car beside ours had a full group of muslim girls in hijabs.. and that she was surprised that muslims would 'come out' to see 'fireworks'.. to which i replied 'just because you want to stay at home doesn't mean the rest of the world can't enjoy life' :) And then we went to gerrard street and got some food. They renovated chandni chowk! I also took other pictures. Some of the dresses were too pretty. Everytime I see some pretty girly dress the first thought that checks into head is 'must get married' -- irony, really. :D See flickr site for details :)
And that's why I love canada. It's full of people that love canada! Diversity.